
News from the world
COMAX roofs

Interesting facts concerning the manufacture of sheet metal roofing, the paint system, differences in finishes with respect to their use, the plumbing trade, and other related topics.


Is your roof ready for snow?

We are approaching the time of year when snow and ice will once again test the quality and functionality of roofing materials and structures in our latitudes. Avalanches of snow and ice will fall from roofs that are not prepared for winter, endangering the health and lives of pedestrians, not to mention damage to property. Today's main topic will therefore be snow barriers and snow catchers for metal roofing.

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Looking back at the fair in England

The COMAX Roofs team consisted of Phil Brown, Jakub Štajnc and Martin Hora, who brought with them to the exhibition a dominant exhibit - a small house which was made by our skilful

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